Leah Gullion

Leah Gullion

I attended my first Access Consciousness Class in September 2011. It was 5 Days of Change—Access Bars, followed by the Foundation Class.

The Universe so had my back! A class I had been planning to attend for months was cancelled, and shortly after that, the possibility of the Access Consciousness Class actualized.

I hadn't even had my Bars run. LOL! 

I have not looked back since! Access Consciousness is overflowing with tools and processes that contribute to my life in many, many, many ways every moment of my day. I am so grateful that class all those years ago got cancelled!

I am an Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator.

I have witnessed so much change in my life and the lives of others I have worked with through the use of Access Consciousness tools and processes. I couldn't imagine my life without it.

Are you looking to create change in your life? Are you looking for more ease?

Join me in one of my upcoming events or classes!!!

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Volgende komende klassen

Datum Gebeurtenis Cursusleider Host Locatie Medium
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Geen klassen weer te geven.

“All of life comes to me with ease, joy and glory.®”

- Gary Douglas


Mijn klassen

De Foundation

Deze class haalt het fundament weg van de beperking waarvan je dacht dat je daarvanuit moest leven, alsof je geen andere keuze hebt! Het wordt over de hele wereld gefaciliteerd door gecertificeerde Access Consciousness facilitators en het is een vierdaagse, intensieve ontdekkingstocht van wat er allemaal nog meer mogelijk is. De class creëert gewaarzijn van het fundament van gewaarzijn dat je tot nu toe nog niet hebt toegepast in je leven!